Our Direction
We inspire our students to develop confidence, resilience, independence, and the ability to collaborate with one another to be the problem solvers, the creators and the innovators of tomorrow.
A community that learns and grows together to create their future.
We support students to develop into confident and courageous learners, willing to explore, investigate, question, reflect and be the best that they can be. We achieve this through:
- Building Excellence in Teaching and Learning;
- Empowering Leaders;
- Creating the Conditions for Learning; and,
- Growing a Connected Community.
Carlisle 2024
Our strategic plan ‘Carlisle 2020’ was created in collaboration with the Carlisle Primary School staff and the School Board; and, provided us with strategic direction for the past 3 years. We now look forward to developing ‘Carlisle 2024’ that will guide and influence planning for school improvement, workforce development, and the improvement of the learning environments across the school for next 3 years. Our regular self-assessment has provided necessary data to set challenging goals for the future whilst we also look forward to participating in the Public School Review process in Term 4 to celebrate our collective growth and performance.
We believe students learn best when…
- Teaching is explicit and consistent throughout the school;
- Teachers know their students and their individual needs as well as the content to be taught;
- Students feel a strong sense of belonging within the school community;
- Students take control of their own learning and make conscious choices about the action required to improve; and,
- Parents actively engage with teachers and their children throughout the learning journey.