How to Enrol
All children of compulsory school age (Pre Primary to Year 12) must be enrolled in school and attend every day – this is the law.
In Western Australia, children can start their education in Kindergarten, however compulsory schooling starts the following year in Pre-primary.
All children must attend school up until they have completed year 12. Sixteen and seventeen year olds must be enrolled in school or a training organisation, be employed or be in a combination of school/training/employment.
Every child from Pre-primary to Year 12 is guaranteed a place at their local public school.
To enrol at Carlisle Primary School there are a number of eligibility requirements.
Read the guidelines below to find out how to enrol:
You will require the following documents:
- Birth certificate (See more information below)
- Immunisation Records (You can ask at Medicare for a copy or phone Immunisation Register on 1800 671 811) (See more information below)
- Proof of residence
- Family Court Orders (If applicable)
- Medical Issues Information
- Special Needs Information/Documents from specialist assessments etc (See more information below)
Birth Certificate
A birth certificate or extract of birth or passport must be presented at enrolment. Students will be placed in the year of study corresponding to their age group.
Special Needs
Parents of students with special needs are asked to contact the school and discuss the needs of their child at enrolment to ensure the most appropriate program is put in place to meet the needs of their child.
Immunisation Records
A child’s immunisation is expected to be up-to-date upon entry to school. These include Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria and Tetanus.
You need to apply to enrol your children in a public primary school or high school for 2019 if they are:
- starting Kindergarten – 4 years old by 30 June 2019
- starting Pre-primary, the first year of compulsory school – 5 years old by 30 June 2019
- starting Year 7, the first year of secondary school
- changing schools
Overseas Students
If you are/were on a visa, you will also require the following documents:
- Visa documents/Visa Grant Number
- Passport
- Australian Citizen Certificate
- Proof Of Permanent Residency
Students born overseas must hold either an Australian passport or appropriate visa before applying to the school. Students who do not hold an Australian passport must present their passport and visa paperwork at the time of Enrolment. Depending on the visa number, you may need to first apply through TIWA (Click on the link below to be redirected to the website)
(Tafe International Western Australia –

Visa Students
Enrolling your children if you recently arrived from overseas
Children arriving from overseas fall into one of four categories depending on their, or your, visa subclass number. You will need to provide evidence of your visa status at the time of enrolment and advise the school of any subsequent change of visa conditions.
If you, or your children, held a substantive visa and you have now been granted a bridging visa, your children’s enrolment in a public school will be under the conditions of your substantive visa.
Category 1: You, or your children, hold a permanent residence visa
Your child is guaranteed a place at your local public school and you do not need to pay tuition fees.
Category 2: You, or your children, hold a specified temporary residence visa
Your children are guaranteed a place at your local public school and you do not need to pay tuition fees.
Category 3: You are a 457 Visa holder
Your children are guaranteed a place at your local public school, and you are required to pay an annual family tuition fee. Further information is available at the Department Of Education website ~
Category 4: You, or your children, do not fall into any of the above categories
You are still able to enrol in a public school however your children do not have an enrolment entitlement and are not guaranteed a place at your local public school. You will need to pay tuition fees for all children enrolled. To enrol your children in a public school, contact T.I.W.A. (Tafe International Western Australia) ~ Children holding a Bridging Visa E (BVE) fall into this category.
TAFE International Western Australia
TIWA is responsible for the recruitment and admission of international students for enrolment into TAFE and Public schools.
East Perth TAFE Campus, Building B Level 2/140 Royal St, Perth WA 6004