Contributions & Charges
We continue to look for ways to support and enhance the programs and activities on offer throughout the year and these valuable additional funds are greatly appreciated.
The Carlisle Primary School Board has endorsed our schedule of Contributions and Charges for 2024 in accordance with the School Education Regulations 2000 as part of the School Education Act 1999. This schedule is designed to provide you with information about anticipated costs that may occur throughout the coming school year and allow you time to forward plan the likely outlays.
2024 Contributions & Charges ScheduleThe schedule is made up of the following four areas:
1. Voluntary Contributions and Technology Replacement
Contributions are voluntary and have been set at $60 per student, equating to approximately $1.50 per week. Voluntary Contributions represent an important revenue source and supplement school expenditure. While contributions are voluntary, the quality of our learning programs will be maximised when all families contribute. Payments can be made directly to the school at the commencement of the new school year or after receiving the first statement of the year.
Students require the knowledge and skills to effectively use digital technologies to support and enhance their learning. To enable this, we are increasing our device ratio that will see students have regular and frequent access to technology at age appropriate levels. Maintaining a comprehensive and contemporary suite of technology for all students requires significant financial investment, and therefore we are asking that a voluntary contribution of $50 per student is made to the Technology Replacement Fund. These additional funds will ensure we can provide high quality and contemporary digital technologies to
students for many years to come.
2. Charges
Children will engage in a variety of activities associated with educational programs for which charges will be incurred. The Schedule for Charges section is outlined over the page. We encourage parents to make contact with the Principal or school office if you would like to discuss payment arrangements to meet the cost of these valuable opportunities.
3. Personal Items
This list covers items of a personal nature i.e. school uniform and stationery list. The school uniform can be purchased through Nell Gray’s Uniform Concept store located in Inglewood. Parents may purchase stationery items from their chosen retailer or use the nominated school supplier Campion. We have chosen Campion as our preferred supplier as it is a West Australian owned and operated business and we endeavour to support our local community. In order to keep costs lower for families the school has chosen to forego the commission rebate for each order processed through Campions.
4. Extra Optional Costs
This covers other school activities provided through the school. These vary from student to student and costs will be advised at the time of the activity/event.
How to Make a Payment
Payments of School Voluntary Contributions and other Charges can be made as follows:
Via Compass
School Refund Policy
School activities such as excursions, in-school performances and camps are undertaken by the school on a self-supporting cost basis. If you have paid for an activity and your child is unable to attend, please notify the school as soon as possible. If the school has incurred a cost/s for an activity on behalf of a student this will be deducted from any refund i.e. bus costs, entry fee etc.
Statements detailing relevant charges and contributions will be issued each term. If you have any queries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 9264 7650 or by email [email protected].